Monday, September 17, 2007

Epic Quests in Asia

What a good title. I am a poet and a wit. After my solo adventure on Saturday, that evening I went out to the Fringe again to see some jazz. It was cool, a chill band of locals, and then Rory, Thomas and I decided to walk back home. Now this is a mighty journey from Central to the University, and then onward to Patrick Manson, considering I take the bus to school every day. To give you an idea of the great distance, most people's jaws drop when I told them we did that. And not even in good walking shoes, in my ballet flats. I walked the farthest, although Rory did a good distance with me on the way back to mine, but it was pretty far. Also, this epic quest took place from about 2-3 am. and yes, Thomas thought we were being followed by the Hong Kong mafia at one point. On Sunday I did little that was actually productive. I did sort of try to figure out where I want to go for reading week, which is a week off before midterms Oct 15-20, aka travel week for exchange students. On the one hand I am trying to be cheap since it does cost a fair amount to go abroad. On the other hand, though, when will I ever have such an opportunity to travel Asia again? I am also trying to kind of see where other people are going. I think my top choices of places to go are Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, or Laos, or maybe Malaysia. I dunno yet if I will do one country or a few, but I'd like to do something cool too, like rafting or an elephant ride or stuff like that. I think I will also possibly visit the mainland at some point or other as well.
So I am getting behind in my work a little bit, after the madness of sorting out classes, tutorials, attempting to find my readings, and honestly, lately when it's read or go out I've been choosing going out. I need to get a better balance I suppose, but getting my readings is such a pain, and I really didn't do work on the weekend. Blech. Oh well, I will try to catch up this week and then maybe have a really cool weekend, do something exciting.
Also, I am trying really hard not to get sick. Basically I have a cough and here people look at you like you are giving them avian flu/SARS every time you cough. And if you are sick you wear a surgical mask and I don't wanna do that so I am trying to take it somewhat easy.


Nicky said...

I am sick too! I am just getting over it. I am the obnoxious person who hacks up a lung in class. Also, I feel you on getting behind in work- let that Bryn Mawr mentality go! You will be fine, you should enjoy HK. Likewise w/ your traveling. I am planning my fall break and it is difficult financially but you gotta do a little traveling, like you said, you might not get the chance again. I think I am going to Paris for a couple days :) Good luck!

Anonymous said...

my friend is living in thailand for a year and she absolutely loves it! you should go there for 'reading' week. miss you! -brook